“If there is magic on earth, it is contained in water. But being careful is also about being mindful.” Water is precious. But it still has the ability to combine with a wrong diet and destroy your health over the time. And that’s the reason why
Dharan Hilna Or Navel Displacement Treatment In Ayurveda

Ayurveda considers navel or the belly button an important part of the human body. It is located in the median position and is the central place for the fetus to receive its nutrition. However, under strenuous physical pressure, the belly button can also move from its
Health Benefits Of A Foot Massage – Your Daily 10 Minute Ritual

One incredible way of promoting excellent health is a soothing and much-needed everyday foot massage. This effectively drains away all your stress and leaves you feeling fresh and relaxed. Foot massage therapy has tremendous and unexpected benefits that’ll make you want to have one right now! Here’s an
Dysentery Treatment: Simple Solutions To A Doshic Imbalance

If you’re someone with an overly sensitive gut, gastrointestinal ailments commonly appear. Inflammation makes the situation worse as well as results in bloody stools, along with unbearable abdominal pain. But, dysentery treatment at home is also possible with home remedies when the condition isn’t chronic.
Psoriasis Treatment In Ayurveda: Things You Must Know About!

What is psoriasis? It’s a condition that degenerates your skin cells. Psoriasis results from aggravated Vata as well as Kapha. These lead to a toxic buildup in your blood, plasma, and muscles. Therefore, steroids aren’t a solution. Natural remedies, particularly psoriasis treatment in Ayurveda is
Pomegranate Seed Oil Benefits: Incredible And Invigorating

We all know how juicy and refreshing pomegranate kernels taste. But, what about pomegranate seed oil? The pomegranate oil is no surprise! This essential oil comes with the same amount of health benefits as the pomegranate fruit itself. It is loaded with potassium, vitamin C,
Pine Nuts Benefits: A Buttery And Nutty Delight

Being much superior to all other nuts, these tiny and flavourful nuts make the pesto sauces worth the taste. This nutty winter treat is super beneficial for your health. But, exactly what are pine nuts, where do pine nuts come from and what are the pine
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: An Ayurvedic Perspective + Remedies

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a rather common condition. A major nerve running from your wrist up to the shoulder gets pressurized due to restricted movements of the hand. With time and without much care, the syndrome only aggravates the symptoms. What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
How To Increase Blood Platelets? Ayurvedic Foods Will Help!

Platelets in the blood are those tiny cells that protect your body against excessive blood loss. They maintain the clotting ability of your blood in the case of injury. Ideally, the levels must remain between 1,50,000 to 4,50,000 platelets per ml of the blood circulating. But if the levels drop below
Foods High In Antioxidants: Fruits, Vegetables, And Herbs

Have you ever wondered if you are eating enough of foods that safeguard your cells? Yes, we are talking about the foods high in antioxidants. First of all, it isn’t just a fancy buzzword. And secondly, antioxidants are clearly the most important component to naturally protect