Being a progressive mental illness, Alzheimer’s is a difficult thing – not just for the affected person but also for the ones around them. The condition starts to slowly impact your day to day activities and you experience a decline in making judgments, moving, as
What Is Goiter Disease? Is There An Ayurvedic Goiter Treatment?

Enlargement of the thyroid gland is medically termed as goiter disease. It causes excess swelling in the throat region. This is known as Galaganda in Ayurveda. Ayurveda further classifies Galaganda on the basis of the causes. Vataj Galaganda is caused by vitiated vayu. Kapha Galaganda
Cramps In Hands: Here’s How To Fix The Writer’s Cramp!

Just like a writer’s block, one can also be a victim of writer’s cramp – cramps in hands that are actually very painful. There happens to be a contraction of certain muscles that reduces your level of day to day activities. The condition also disturbs your
Anulom Vilom Pranayam: Steps & Benefits Of Alternate Nostril Breathing

Anulom Vilom essentially focuses on the lungs to separate oxygen from the air we breathe as well as eliminate carbon dioxide while exhalation. The Anulom Vilom pranayam technique helps cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Plus, Anulom Vilom brings balance in the mind as well
Pimple In The Nose? Here’s How You Can Fix The Problem!

Acne is a problem for a majority of us. It’s not just a teenage issue but something that can affect anyone, at any age and on any area of the body. At some point in time, you must have had facial bumps, butt acne or
Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana) For Strength, Focus & More

Virabhadrasana is a term as well as a yoga posture that derives its attributes from an Indian mythological character, Virabhadra. He is believed to be created by Lord Shiva to avenge his wife’s death. This asana acquires its steps from the first perspective of the warrior. The
How to Quit Alcohol: Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Alcohol addiction is one of the most destructive habits you may ever have. After a certain degree of dependence, even alcohol treatment may not work. And then, severe problems begin to hamper your life. The vow to quit drinking can be excruciatingly difficult to keep,
Frozen Shoulder Symptoms And Its Ayurvedic Treatment

Are you someone in your 40s, 50s or above? Have you been immobile for a long period? Or do you under/overuse your joints? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can expect frozen shoulder symptoms any time. Considering today’s lifestyle as well as
Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: Effective Herbs, Diet And Yoga

Parkinson’s is an ailment where the brain stops producing neurotransmitters called dopamine. You may also ask, is Parkinson’s disease fatal? Yes, but only when not taken proper care of. The early symptoms of the Parkinson’s disease may take really long to develop. However, the Parkinson’s
Heart Disease Treatment – How To Have A Healthy Heart? Try Yoga!

To protect heart health, you need to understand certain basics. Heart disease is a broad category that involves several other complications related to the heart. Problems may arise due to a number of deficiencies that lead to irregular functioning. Increased heartbeat along with pain in