Camphor essential oil is tri-dosha balancing. It has a cold potency along with a bitter-sweet taste. It’s extracted through steam distillation from the camphor tree and is mostly used as alternative medicine. Both yellow and brown camphor oils are said to be toxic. However, it
Side Plank Workout (Vasisthasana): Perfect Choice For A Tri-Dosha Cleanse

Doshas play a huge role in maintaining the health of your body. How about an exercise that can balance all the doshas? Side plank or Vasisthasana is an exercise that pacifies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. However, it’s particularly helpful for a Kapha cleanse. So, how
Eating Before Bed: How Good or Bad Is The Practice?

Elders, health experts as well as other fitness gurus make it a point to aware you of the consequences of a late-night dinner. But, is eating before bed really that bad for your well-being? Let’s explore what Ayurveda says about eating at night. Is It
Sheetkari Pranayama: Here’s How Hissing Can Improve Your Health

Are you someone who cannot bear the heat? Try Sheetkari pranayama. Also called Sitkari pranayama, it’s an effective breathing exercise that can benefit you in various ways. According to Ayurveda, practicing Sitkari pranayama can reduce heat, hunger as well as thirst in the body to
Health Benefits Of Fasting Once A Week – A Practice You’ll Never Regret

Does your body feel strained? Do you find yourself craving for vacations and weekends? If the answer is yes, then you need to start a fasting ritual. It is since ancient times that fasting has been practiced for the upkeep of the body. Ayurveda believes
Jnana Yoga: Stabilizing Mind In The Contemplation Of God

Bhagavad Gita describes three major paths of the human endeavors as mentioned by Lord Krishna – Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti. All of these help an individual understand the true meaning of life. However, Jnana yoga, also pronounced as Gyan yoga, is a path that leads to self-realization,
Orthorexia: How Taking Care Of Your Health Becomes A Disorder?

Orthorexia is a comparatively newer eating disorder which is yet to be recognized. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two widely known eating disorders. Orthorexia Nervosa begins as a quest to perfect health. Gradually, it becomes an obsession affecting all spheres of life. Here’s an
Sheetali Pranayama Benefits: A Form Of Hath Yoga You Shouldn’t Miss

Are you someone whose work includes physical exertion? Do you often find yourself engaging in heated arguments? The reason could be heightened body temperature and a Pitta imbalance. According to Ayurveda, the heat inside the body can result in irritation as well as other negative
Milk For PCOS: Is It Good? Is It Bad? Here’s The Answer!

In Indian culture, cows are considered holy and pure. The milk they produce is equally said to be complete and nutritious. However, some concerns have emerged regarding its impacts on conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Since it is said to increase insulin and androgen levels,
8 Best Leg Stretches To Keep You Playful, Young & Pain-Free

Considering our hectic schedules and the rise of a sedentary lifestyle, walking or running isn’t enough. One needs to stretch more in order to stay in shape. Talking of your lower body, leg stretches ensure a proper movement as well as flexibility. There are several poses of