This sweet treat has been in use for more than a thousand years. But, considering that the herb is a natural sweetener, you may ask, ‘is stevia safe for daily use?‘ It absolutely is! However, consumption in moderation is what Ayurveda recommends. Stevia side effects
Juice Fasting: To Juice Or Not To Juice (An Essential Guide)

Detox culture is gaining popularity since the last few years. There are people who are ardent supporters, however, there also are experts who are against such practices – especially when it comes to juice fasting. Every person is unique in their own way. Therefore, being
Avocado Oil Benefits: For Your Skin And Overall Health

The avocado fruit is popular worldwide. But, did you know that even avocado oil benefits a person in various ways? The avocado oil uses are immense. It promotes healthy weight loss, effectively repairs your skin, promotes hair growth, enhances heart health, and even prevents cancer
Dengue Fever: Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Prevent The Dengue Virus

Dengue fever, also known as dandaka jvara in Ayurveda, results from a viral infection transmitted by a female mosquito bite to affect both kids as well as adults. The infection travels into the bloodstream to eventually multiply itself and manifest the dengue virus symptoms. However,
Yoga For Men: Restorative Poses That Improve Body Posture

A healthy human body is the one that stays sound both from the inside as well as on the outside. Yoga is one way to keep off the toxicity. However, yoga for men is a less talked about subject. Men all around the world are benefiting
Postpartum Depression: 5 Herbs To Defeat Depression Post Pregnancy

Postpartum depression a.k.a. postnatal depression is a feeling of dislike as well as discontent towards one’s baby after pregnancy. New mothers usually experience baby blues after 4 to 5 days of birth. However, this duration is subjective to the psyche of the mother. Postnatal depression
Acupressure Points For Eyes: Enjoy Healthy & Stress-Free Vision

Acupressure treatment is an ancient science developed by Chinese healers. At present, it is practiced around the globe. Acupressure is famed to have treated several bodily ailments. It is also helpful for better eyesight. Problems of the eyes are caused by immobility in the eye
Kapalbhati Pranayam Benefits And How To Do It Like Baba Ramdev

An important part of yoga is the process of breathing the right way. Kapalbhati pranayam is a set of breathing techniques. Kapal means forehead and bhati mean shine. So, kapalbhati means a shining forehead. This practice has gained immense popularity since yoga guru Baba Ramdev introduced its
Potassium Deficiency Symptoms And Foods High In Potassium

Potassium, one of the least talked about minerals, is actually a significant component for your body. A majority of the potassium deficiency symptoms are clearly visible most of the time, but you don’t really figure out what’s happening. Therefore, if you witness any such signs,
What Is The Correct Way of Eating Fruits? An Ayurvedic View

You absolutely love your all-fruit milkshake or that big bowl of berries and yogurt. But, is all of that even doing any good for your well being? Fruits contain more than the required nutrients and so we consume them the way we want or at the