Niacin deficiency, also commonly known as pellagra disease, is a condition that occurs due to Vitamin B3 deficiency. When there’s enough amount of niacin production and the body is unable to use it, this may turn from primary to secondary pellagra. And, there are three
Benefits Of Figs (Anjeer): A Tiny And Healthy Sweet Treat

Belonging to the mulberry family, figs (also called anjeer in Hindi) are Vata as well as Pitta pacifying fruits. Fresh figs and the dried variety are both delicious, you can also make use of their leaves on a daily basis. The health benefits of figs are
Sleepy After Eating? Correct Your Habits And Lifestyle!

Your food is your medicine. And the right nutrition makes you feel energized. But, if you frequently feel the need to nap, postpone all your tasks and struggle to keep your eyes open after lunchtime meals, understand the reasons. Feeling sleepy after eating calls for
How To Increase Baby Weight? Try These Delicious Recipes!

Are you worried that your infant is not gaining weight? Is your newborn below the average baby weight? For your information, the normal baby weight is between 2.5 kgs and 4 kgs during birth. This usually doubles up in about 5 months. So, if the
Receding Gums: Home Remedies To Reverse The Condition Naturally

Receding gums is a condition where the gums start to pull excessively, exposing the root of the teeth. It causes gaps between the teeth and results in bleeding gums. Receding gums can be caused due to improper dental hygiene. However, receding gums treatment is possible through
St. John’s Wort Benefits & Side Effects – Consider These Before Use!

St. John’s Wort a.k.a. goatweed is an herb, weed as well as a wildflower that blooms during the feast time of St. John, the Baptist, hence the name. The St. John’s Wort benefits include both beauty as well as medicinal and it, therefore, has many
Baby Massage: Assure Your Little One’s Growth With Daily Massage

Baby massage is essential for both the infant as well as mother. This essential effort not only improves their communication but also promotes better growth of the little one. But exactly how to massage a baby and what are the benefits of infant massage? Let
Kawasaki Disease: How To Protect Your Child From The Kawasaki Virus

The Kawasaki disease affects children under the age of 17. One may suffer from fever for more than 5 days and it can lead to heart diseases if left undiagnosed. The initial Kawasaki disease symptoms are however curable with home remedies. The Kawasaki virus is
Malaria Treatment: Home Remedies To Prevent The Infection

Since malaria is pretty dangerous and also common in countries like India, let’s get straight on discussing the details. What is malaria? It’s an infectious disease that affects the functioning of your liver as well as the red blood cell count. Malaria is caused by
A Handy Guide On Giving Yourself A Relaxing Foot Massage At Home

After all the stress that our feet go through every day, a self-help Ayurvedic foot massage at home comes to the rescue. Keeping our feet wrapped in shoes isn’t always possible. So, a foot massage is the easiest way to improve blood circulation, beat the