Excessive indulgence in food leads to eating disorders like binge eating, bulimia as well as anorexia. These are life-threatening unless a correct lifestyle, food habits, and treatment are adopted. Being a compulsive disorder, the triggers of binge eating disorder are genetics, negative self-image, societal pressure, and stress.
What Is Narcolepsy? And Can It Be Treated Naturally At Home?
Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological sleep disorder that affects your normal sleep cycle and wakefulness. You may feel excessively sleepy during the daytime or may even get unconscious. The major narcolepsy symptoms include hallucinations (vivid dreams), muscle weakness or the inability to move at all
Yoga For Kids: Simple Yoga Poses To Nourish Young Minds
To support as well as develop your young one’s intellect, why not try and share the mat? Yoga isn’t just for stressed adult minds, but also for the little ones who need to understand how to manage their everyday anxieties. Yes, yoga for kids is
Cataplexy Treatment: Here’s How To Manage The Triggers!
What is cataplexy? Essentially, it’s a loss of control over the body muscles. The condition occurs when the patient experiences strong as well as extreme emotions. Usually, laughter and joy trigger the cataplexy symptoms. It involves facial twitching, weakness as well as severe trembling. The
Omega 6 Foods: Fatty Acids To Produce Energy & Balance All The Doshas
Omega 6 foods, when consumed in the right amounts, prove beneficial for your health. These polyunsaturated fats have both good as well as bad implications. It requires the same enzyme to metabolize omega 6 as well as omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, moderate intake is
Goldenseal Benefits For Better Immunity: An All-In-One Tonic
It is said that if echinacea is an immunity booster, the Goldenseal herb is no behind. Being an excellent stimulator for your immune system, Goldenseal benefits protect you against several health issues. It is also known as Indian turmeric. It ensures good health and is
What Is Colic In Babies? Is There An Ayurvedic Treatment?
A baby’s cry can be the most hurtful sound in the world, especially when the causes remain unidentified. Colic is one major reason. What is colic in babies? It is basically gas that arises due to no definite cause. How long does colic last? It lasts for about
Bearberry A.K.A. Uva Ursi Benefits: Nature’s Way To Cure Health Issues
The bearberry plant, also known as uva ursi, is a grape relished by bears in the wild. The fruit originates in Northern America and has traditionally been used for the treatment of headaches, infections as well as diarrhea. Uva ursi benefits the bladder, kidneys, liver, and other
Daily Yoga At Home: 7 Best Poses To Kickstart Your Day
Daily yoga is the best form of exercise in today’s busy world. Most of us don’t really have the time or find it convenient to hit the gym. But yoga at home helps you stay grounded. Practicing the best yoga poses daily fills you up gives you an
Infused Water Recipes: Jazz Up Your Tropical Fusion
Infused water benefits your health in the most natural ways. It’s a fruity as well as minty infusion that acts as a potent health tonic. Also known as healing water, they leave a positive impact on your body when had regularly. Cucumber infused water and