Pampering your body with an Ayurvedic massage oil is an act of self love that boosts well-being. Massage balances the body as well as mind, and oil or sneha is one of its most important elements. Ayurvedic oils are not just used for lubrication; they also carry
Abhyanga Massage: Guidelines For Doing It As Per Your Dosha
There are many kinds of Ayurvedic body massage, one of the most popular ones being Abhyanga massage, which you can do yourself. The ancient Ayurvedic texts recommend including Abhyanga in one’s daily routine (dinacharya). It is also a part of Panchakarma therapy. Learning how to
8 Benefits Of Yoga You Never Would Have Expected To Discover
The list of benefits of yoga asanas and pranayamas extends way beyond weight loss, inner peace, and flexibility. There are many more ways in which yoga can make a huge difference in your life. Here are 8 unexpected benefits of yoga for health. Let’s see
Blood Cleansing Herbs & Foods That Purify The Body Inside Out
It’s a great decision to go on a natural blood purifier program from time to time. As we go about our daily lives, we accumulate increasing amounts of toxins from the environment and unhealthy foods. In Ayurveda, accumulation of toxins is termed as ‘ama’ and
Ginkgo Biloba Benefits: A Herb Used For Thousands Of Years
The ginkgo biloba uses can be traced thousands of years back to its native land China, where it was used as a natural medicine. The antioxidant-rich ginkgo leaf is now increasingly popular across the modern world, thanks to its supposed healing properties. So, what is
Chest Opening Yoga Poses For Emotional & Physical Well-Being
Most of us can benefit immensely from chest opening yoga poses, given the fact that emotional pain is an inevitable part of life. But heart opening yoga doen’t just heal and balance the Heart Chakra. On the physical level, they are excellent for the respiratory
8 Kinds Of Foods To Avoid For Cholesterol Build Up
Our topic today is high cholesterol foods. Supermarkets today are stacked with foods that contain all sorts of ingredients that are bad for the heart. Many of them increase LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, putting the cardiovascular system at danger. But with the right information, you
What Is Prana? Here’s Everything You Need To Know.
What is Prana? Let’s begin with the Prana definition. Prana is the Sanskrit word for the cosmic energy that is the essence of our existence. It is the vitality within us. Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine have the same Prana definition.
What Foods To Avoid With Diabetes (Type 2) As Per Ayurveda
Diabetes (type 2) is known as madhumeha in Ayurveda. Madhu means honey and meha urine. Ayurveda tells us that diabetes is due to the imbalance of Kapha and Vata doshas. Accumulation of ama (toxins) in the pancreatic cells and impaired insulin production is how this disease
Health Benefits Of Carrots: Sweet-n-Crunchy Treats For Good Health
Carrots were earlier used for their seeds and aromatic leaves. But now it’s the juicy, nourishing root that’s a must-have in every kitchen. They are versatile as they can be used freshly cut, pickled, chutneyed, juiced, steamed, roasted…there are endless ways! Ayurveda loves this root