Black salt, also called kala namak in India, is an important Ayurvedic ingredient that forms a part of various medicinal formulations. Here is everything about the benefits of black salt in this ancient science of life. Health Benefits Of Black Salt It warms the body.
The Powerful Uses Of Arjuna Powder In Ayurveda

Arjuna powder comes from the bark of the arjuna tree, a cherished tree in the Ayurvedic system of health care. The ancient Ayurvedic experts found that arjun bark of this tree has special healing value. Since then, it’s been used as a medicine in powdered
Anantamul (Sariva): Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

The anantamul plant is also called sariva, and scientifically known as hemidesmus indicus. The leaves as well as roots of this herb have a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Uses Of Anantamul It balances all three doshas. It has earned popularity as a powerful detoxifier.
Top 4 Ayurvedic Herbs for PCOS and 5 Simple Diet Tips

Did you know that polycystic ovary syndrome a.k.a PCOS is among the top reasons for obesity and infertility among women today? It’s a widespread disorder, caused by tiny cysts in the ovaries. While the cysts themselves haven’t been found to cause harm, their presence throws
Fantastic Ayurvedic Remedies For Low Sex Drive In Women

Many things can drive women’s libido down. Stress, trauma, changes in the body, pregnancy, weakness, Vata aggravation, hormonal imbalances, and chronic diseases are some of the most common causes. It’s totally normal to go through phases where sex just doesn’t arouse your interest. But if
Indian Mallow (Atibala) – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Atibala is the indian name for Indian mallow, scientifically known as Abutilon Indicum. This Ayurvedic herb offers many uses for medical conditions as well as general health. Uses Of Atibala It reduces inflammation in the body. It improves the health of the nervous system. This
Your Skin Deserves Better than Chemicals: 6 Ayurvedic Herbs for Acne

Typical anti-acne creams are packed with harsh chemicals. On the other hand, tried and tested natural ingredients generally produce minimal or no side effects when used properly. If you’ve got acne, chances are that your skin needs something better than a bunch of chemicals. Something
Powerful Ayurvedic Rasayana Herbs You Can’t Miss

Ayurveda is among the world’s most ancient scientific systems of health. It makes use of many techniques to heal the body and boost wellness. One of the most popular treatments in Ayurveda is called rasayana therapy. The word rasayana means rejuvenation. There are many Ayurvedic
Silver Fir (Abies Alba) – Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

A plant that’s been used for a long time in traditional medicine, silver fir is scientifically known as abies alba. It’s quite commonly found in European mountains. Here’s everything you need to know about its uses, dosage as well as side effects. Uses Of Silver
Foods For Eyesight: Must-Eat Fruits And Veggies

When it comes to maintaining the health of our body parts, eyes don’t receive as much attention as they deserve, considering the fact that they’re subject to so much strain and pollution in modern times. The below mentioned foods for eyesight can strengthen your vision