Yoga, in its truest sense, is about much more than asanas – it also incorporates other techniques such as meditation, pranayama, and mudras. The word ‘mudra’ translates to seal. It involves holding one’s hands in certain positions to influence the flow of ‘prana’ or life
Yoga Exercises For Lower Back Pain (With Video Demonstrations)

More and more people today experience lower back pain. A lot has to do with the long sitting hours at work as well as bad posture. People who use gadgets a lot are quite prone to developing this problem. It’s wise to do something about
Rosary Pea (Gunja): Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Native to India, rosary pea is also known as gunja in Hindi and crab’s eye. While it contains toxins, it also has powerful medicinal properties and that’s why it’s an important herb in Ayurveda. Uses Of Rosary Pea It pacifies the Vata and Kapha doshas.
Bog Labrador Tea: Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Bog labrador tea is scientifically termed as rhododendron groenlandicum. It’s also known as swamp tea. The native Americans cherished this plant. It also has many uses in Ayurveda, which we will discuss in this article along with information about the side effects. Uses Of Bog
Ayurvedic Pitta Skin Care Tips To Get Glowing Healthy Skin

In Ayurveda, Pitta is the dosha dominated by fire. So, the Pitta skin type also reflects the qualities of this element. When there is balance in this dosha, such skin looks dewy and radiant. In case of imbalance, it becomes dry, red, and is prone
These Ayurvedic Dry Skin Tips That Will Change Your Skin Health Forever

Dry skin can be quite difficult to deal with, especially during the winters. But it’s not something you need to put up with for the rest of your life! There are many things you can do to improve it. Ayurveda associates dry skin with the
Equisetum Arvense (Field Horsetail): Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

A herb that’s grown on the Earth since the dinosaur era, equisetum arvense is better known as field horsetail. This ancient plant has many uses in Ayurveda, which you will discover in this post. Uses Of Field Horsetail It provides the body with potent antioxidants.
Prostate Health Tips For Good Male Reproductive Health

About the size of a walnut, the prostate gland is an important part of the male reproductive system. It generates fluid that makes up semen and also aids the process of ejaculation. So it goes without saying that you should ensure it always stays healthy
Hops (Humulus Lupulus): Uses, Dosage And Side Effects

Hops, scientifically known as humulus lupulus, is quite a popular herb for issues like anxiety and insomnia. This article shares some useful info about the benefits, dosage and side effects of this herb. Uses Of Hops It has a sedative effect on the nervous system.
Anu Taila – A Tridosha Balancing Ayurvedic Oil

Herbal oils are powerful medicinal substances that Ayurvedic experts have used for ages. Anu Taila is one such oil with ingredients such as lotus, asparagus, cinnamon and sesame oil. It forms a part of a treatment called ‘Nasya Therapy’, which involves pouring drops of oil into the