If you have always wanted to switch to green tea but haven’t found the motivation to do so, this article is a must-read! Here, we talk about the benefits of green tea for weight loss, as well as your skin and hair. Health experts in
7 Benefits Of Pineapple Juice You Didn’t Hear About

Native to south America, pineapples are a tropical favourite. They are packed with nutrients, making them a valued fruit in the Ayurvedic system of healing. Pineapple juice is super simple to make at home and can give you a quick health boost when you need
Sarpagandha a.k.a Serpentine Root – Uses And Side Effects

Native to Asia, sarpagandha also goes by the name of serpentine root. Ayurvedic experts use this powerful herb for many conditions. Here are some of the benefits, as well as the possible side effects of using this herb. Uses of Sarpagandha This herb balances Vata
7 Benefits Of Jasmine Oil For Your Skin And Hair

Exotic and wonderfully fragrant, jasmine oil offers a variety of health as well as beauty benefits. This Ayurvedic ingredient has long been used to improve skin and hair. Without further ado, here 7 great beauty benefits of this oil. 7 Benefits Of Jasmine Oil For
9 Oils for Stretch Marks: Magical oils for Stretch Marks

Bothered by your stretch marks? Worry not. There are plenty of oils for stretch marks you can try. Derived from natural ingredients like herbs and nuts, these oils contain the nutrients your skin needs to heal and be blemish-free. Read on! 9 Oils For Stretch Marks
How to Do an At-home Lung Detox Naturally

Kicking the butt is perhaps one of the best decisions you will have made in life – in fact you will now prolong your very life! So, cheers to that. Now, the next and very crucial step is to cleanse your body of the toxins
How To Reverse Gray Hair Naturally

As our lives get busier, our hair grays earlier. Modern science confirms the link between a poor diet with stressful lifestyle and premature ageing. How to reverse gray hair naturally? Ayurveda answers this question with lifestyle tips, dietary suggestions and a bunch of easy-to-do home
7 Unique Types of Yoga You can Choose From

Soon after deciding to learn yoga, many of us face the overwhelming question of what kind of yoga to begin with. The great thing about yoga is its ability to blend with other forms of exercise, spirituality and dance. It can be fast or slow,
Oregano: 6 Outstanding Benefits + Oregano Tea Recipe

The scientific name for oregano is origanum vulgare, which translates to “joy of the mountains” in Greek. Oregano is a truly outstanding herb with a whole bunch of medicinal properties. This makes it a highly valued Ayurvedic ingredient. While this herb is most often used
Anti Ageing Vitamins that are Better than Skin Creams

An old Ayurvedic proverb goes like this: “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no need.” While this may not apply to cases of acute diseases, it certainly holds true as far as skin care is