As the name suggests, hibiscus tea is made with the hibiscus plant. This plant holds an important place in both Ayurveda as well as other natural healing systems like traditional Chinese medicine. This medicinal tea has a lovely red colour and a sour taste. Being
Home Remedies for Hand Foot and Mouth Disease in Children

A frequently occurring viral infection during summer and autumn, hand foot and mouth disease affects mostly children. It’s characterised by rashes on the hands, feet, and in the mouth, as well as the legs, buttocks, and genitals. Though these rashes often cause pain, this disease
“Life is not merely to be alive, but to be well.”
– Marcus Valerius Martial
Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Care: 5 Recipes Worth A Try!

Also known as lily of the desert, aloe vera is one of the most popular herbs out there. Humans have used for thousands of years! It’s extremely nutritious – aloe vera contains fatty acids, essential amino acids, minerals like zinc and copper, and vitamins like
18 Quotes About Womanhood To Uplift And Motivate Every Woman

Being a woman is without doubt an amazing thing – but it’s not always easy! That’s why we at Ayurvedum have collected these uplifting quotes about womanhood that will hopefully give you positivity and motivation in times of need. ON A WOMAN’S STRENGTH… One of the
Yogurt Benefits For Skin & Hair That’ll Make You Go “WOW!”

It’s no news that there are tons of yogurt benefits for health. But did you know that it’s also a wonderful remedy for skin and hair issues, like dryness, acne, and sunburns? It’s extremely effective, easily accessible, and super-easy to use! Check out these recipes
Ledum Palustre Uses And Side Effects You Wound’t Want To Miss

Ledum palustre is popularly called marsh labrador as well as wild rosemary. Its scientific name is rhododendron tomentosum. This aromatic herb has a host of medicinal abilities, which we discuss in this post. Ledum Palustre Uses It can treat and prevent infections. It tackles water
“True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.”
– William Penn
Milk Thistle Uses And Side Effects Worth Knowing

Native to Europe, milk thistle is a plant with noteworthy medicinal properties. Wondering where the name comes from? This herb has leaves that contain a milky sap. What is milk thistle used for? Check out these milk thistle uses as well as possible side effects… Milk
Ajwain Benefits: Higher Sex Drive, Stronger Immunity And More

Ajwain in English is known as carom seeds. Here’s an interesting fact: they’re not really seeds, but fruits! Ayurvedic experts in ancient India discovered tons of ajwain benefits. This pungent tasting food has typically been used in traditional medicine to treat stomach ailments, but there