Downward Dog, also known as Downward Facing Dog, is among the most popular yoga poses. Its Sanskrit name is Adho Mukha Svanasana. The Downward Dog is typically done as part of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), but many people practise it as separately too. This pose
Blackthorn Uses And Side Effects That Will Surprise You

Blackthorn is a kind of wild plum and is scientifically called prunus spinosa. Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it’s a valued herb in Ayurveda. Let’s find out what this herb is all about! Uses Of Blackthorn It reduces inflammation in the body. It also
DIY Body Scrub Recipes: Natural, Simple And Effective!

More and more people these days are switching from store-bought skincare products to homemade and natural alternatives. One reason is that store-bought stuff often contains things you’d never want in your body. Things like body scrubs, lip balms, and even toothpaste, are SO much better
Acai Fruit: Health Benefits You’d Wish You Knew Earlier!

A gem of health from the Amazon rainforest, the acai fruit has been valued for hundreds of years. These delicious little berries have a range of nutrients like vitamins A, E and C, healthy fats, fibre, protein, iron and potassium. They’ve been used in traditional medicine
Malkangani (Celastrus Paniculatus) Uses And Side Effects

Malkangani has a bunch of names. Its scientific term is celastrus paniculatus. In Sanskrit, it’s known as jyotishmati. And in English, it goes by the names of intellect tree and black-oil plant. The seeds, oil, as well as the leaves of this plant are highly valued. Find
“Yoga means addition – addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.”
– Amit Ray
Makhana (Fox Nut) Uses And Side Effects

Makhana or fox nuts come from a herb called euryale ferox salisb that belongs to the water lily family. It is commonly used in Ayurveda as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine, since it has many healing properties. Check out its uses and side effects. Makhana
5 Impressive Lavender Oil Benefits For Your Skin And Hair

Herbs and essential oils are some of the most potent natural ingredients for both health and beauty. One of the most loved essential oils, Lavender oil is incredibly pleasant to smell. Did you know that gentle oil is has some pretty impressive medicinal benefits too?
Arugula Benefits Humans Have Reaped For Thousands Of Years

Arugula, also known as rocket, is an incredibly healthy cruciferous veggie. Wondering where the name ‘rocket’ comes from? It’s simply called so because this vegetable grows incredibly fast! The Romans discovered the arugula benefits arugula thousands of years ago, and rocket salad is enjoyed all
Remedies For Insomnia: Most Effective Ways

The quality of your sleep says a lot about your health. If you’ve been having trouble falling or staying asleep, you might want to try some Ayurvedic remedies for insomnia. These remedies don’t involve taking pills, but use natural ingredients and techniques. Both acute (short