Herbs are far more powerful than most people realise. Being packed with medicinal properties, these versatile plants form a vital part of the Ayurvedic system. More and more modern studies confirm their benefits for the body and mind. The best part? When taking herbs, you’re
Unhealthy Food: 5 Types Of Food Ayurvedic Experts Would Never Eat
In Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, healthy food is considered medicine while unhealthy food is poison. Eating unhealthy food causes imbalances in the elements that make us: earth, water, air, ether, and fire. This leads to further imbalance of the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Best Acne Treatment: Remove Pus Filled Pimples Easily & Naturally
Our skin is the first to show us that all is not well within. One of the earliest signs appears on our face – acne! These mean-looking, reddish, painful lumps are caused when the hair follicles on our skin get clogged with oil and dirt.
Baidyanath Kutajarishta – Uses, Dosage, And Side Effects
Baidyanath Kutajarishta is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine made with ingredients like grapes, jaggery, kutaja, and dhataki. Here is a gist about its uses, dosage, and side effects. Uses of Baidyanath Kutajarishta It treats diarrhoea. It can also heal dysentery. This formulation treats flatulence. It can
5 Impressive Beauty Uses Of Methi Seeds For Hair And Skin
Fenugreek a.k.a methi is a highly valued Ayurvedic herb. It has a variety of health benefits and guess what, it’s great for beauty. In this article, we talk about 5 fantastic benefits of methi seeds for hair and skin. Read on! 5 Impressive Beauty Uses
6 Reasons Why Amaranth is a Must-Have Super Food
Amaranth, known as ‘ramdana’ in India, is among the oldest cultivated foods in the world. It’s super easy to cook, and is one of the best breakfast options for those with Kapha dosha. These tiny seeds pack a mighty punch – they’re loaded with nutrients
Yoga For Vertigo: 5 Poses With Video Demonstrations
Vertigo is a condition characterised by dizziness and loss of balance – resulting from damage to the inner ear. Yoga for vertigo can be quite helpful, since certain poses can significantly improve the functioning of the brain, nervous system, and other body organs. Here are
5 Acupressure Points For Headache (With Videos)
Painful and frequent headaches are something we all have to put up with at some point – be it due to stress, dehydration, heat, noise, disease, or even a common cold. While pills may seem like a quick and easy option, more and more people
A Bunch Of Avocado Fruit Benefits You Ought To Discover!
If avocados aren’t a part of your diet, you might want to change that. From helping you manage your body weight to improving cardiovascular health, this fruit has a range of uses you wouldn’t want to miss. Go ahead and discover these amazing avocado fruit
Include These 7 Foods In Your Diet To Increase Stamina
Feeling low on energy lately? Don’t worry, Ayurvedic experts reckon that eating certain foods (in addition to resting well) can boost your energy levels back up before you know it. Include these 7 foods in your diet to increase stamina. Include These 7 Foods In Your