The liver is, without doubt, an organ people ought to pay more heed to. The liver gets rid of toxins from the body, aids digestion, regulates blood sugar levels, and helps produce energy, among other vital functions. Unfortunately, modern humans are more exposed to harmful
What To Eat During Diarrhea And What To Avoid At All Costs
Diarrhea is something unfortunately everyone is well familiar with. When you pass loose or watery stool, it’s time to immediately make changes to your diet. Switch to light food that gives your digestive system a break and time to mend itself. In this article, we
The Spiritual Benefits Of Silence That Can Change Your Life
The sages of ancient India have always encouraged taking a break from one’s daily life and spending time being quiet. Those who practised it have experienced the profound materialistic as well as spiritual benefits of silence and solitude. By reaping the spiritual benefits of silence, you
How To Be Mentally Healthy And Happy? 10 Powerful Ways
How to be mentally healthy and happy? This is a question on the minds of many people today. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, bipolar disorder and a host of other mental illnesses are affecting increasing amounts of people. There is a strong need for better measures for
How To Improve Memory And Concentration With Yoga
Wondering how to improve memory and concentration? Thousands of others are too. Ayurvedic experts would recommend yoga. It’s no news that yoga offers tons of benefits to the body and mind. Its profound effects on the brain are proved by a growing number of studies
5 Natural Remedies For Stretch Marks Worth A Try
One can usually find stretch marks on hips, thighs, the stomach, breasts, and arms. During things like growth, weight gain and pregnancy, the skin stretches. This sometimes damages the tissues, leading to stretch scars. This is more common in women than men. Genetics has a lot to
Monsoon Season Health Tips From Ayurveda
Ayurveda believes that the external atmosphere has a direct impact on the internal atmosphere, that is, our health. Ayurveda lays out specific measures to be followed in every season. This is based on the variations of the weather affecting the physiological processes of the body.
Turmeric Milk: How To Make This Ayurvedic Golden Milk
Turmeric is one of the most valued Ayurvedic spices. When combined with milk, it makes for an excellent health tonic called turmeric milk, also popularly called Golden milk. This drink balances all 3 dosha. It also reduces inflammation, lowers stress, boosts immunity, detoxifies the body,
Foods To Avoid In Acidity (And A List Of Foods You Can Enjoy)
Acidity can certainly be an uncomfortable thing. It causes symptoms like heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching, and even painful ulcers. It results from various factors like a poor diet, genes, and alcohol abuse. One of the most important things to do if you have acidity due
Red Bell Pepper Benefits: You’ll Be Surprised – We Promise!
Red bell peppers, also known as red peppers and red capsicum, belong to the nightshade family. They are pacifying for Kapha types, while being aggravating for Pitta and Vata. This crunchy and flavourful veggie has been a part of Indian cooking for a very long