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- 1. Use Garlic For Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment.
- 2. Turmeric Soothes Trigeminal Nerve Inflammation.
- 3. Castor Oil Relieves Facial Pain.
- 4. Ashwagandha Is A Healthy Brain Tonic.
- 5. Guggul Cures Trigeminal Neuralgia Symptoms.
- 6. Mugwort Herb Improves Trigeminal Nerve Functioning.
- 7. Relax Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain With Valerian Root.
Trigeminal neuralgia is a nerve disease and Ayurveda associates aggravated Vata with the trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. It is the Anantvata (increased Vata) that blocks your trigeminal nerve to straightaway affect the facial channels. This leads to an excruciating trigeminal neuralgia pain wherein you aren’t even able to carry out basic activities like brushing, chewing or putting on makeup. So, to avoid further discomforts, trigeminal neuralgia treatment is a must!
What Is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
It is the trigeminal nerve that’s widely distributed all over your head. Once it is affected by an inflammation or compressed due to a blood vessel, you may observe electric shock-like pain which is why trigeminal neuralgia is said to be the most painful condition known to humanity. It leads to bouts of attacks that are brief as well as unpredictable. These affect the sensations in your forehead, eyes, lips, nose, teeth, and gums.
What Are The Trigeminal Neuralgia Causes?
- Old age
- Stress
- Multiple sclerosis
- Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve
- Collagen vascular diseases
- Compression of the nerve due to tumors or blood vessels
What Are The Trigeminal Symptoms?
- Sharp pain attack on one side of the face
- Recurrent episodes of pain after every few hours
- Pain while sleeping
- The pain worsened by touch, chewing or cold
Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment
1. Use Garlic For Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment.
One of the major trigeminal neuralgia symptoms includes swelling on the face. For which, garlic is a savor. It effectively heals the condition and enhances your blood circulation. Therefore, consume 3-4 cloves of garlic mixed in olive oil twice every day as a potent cure.
2. Turmeric Soothes Trigeminal Nerve Inflammation.
Curcumin present in turmeric makes it anti-inflammatory in nature to also support a faster healing process. Therefore, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk once every day to get rid of the inflammation.
3. Castor Oil Relieves Facial Pain.
Castor oil is analgesic as well as moisturizing in nature. It helps reduce the inflammation along with the trigeminal neuralgia pain. So, mix one tablespoon of castor oil with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Gently massage your face with the oil twice every day to prevent the agonizing pain.
4. Ashwagandha Is A Healthy Brain Tonic.
Since trigeminal nerve runs in the brain, ashwagandha can be extremely beneficial. It is known to leave a tremendous impact on the overall nerve functioning abilities. Therefore, have a tablespoon of ashwagandha powder with one cup of warm milk twice daily to reduce the discomforts.
5. Guggul Cures Trigeminal Neuralgia Symptoms.
Guggul contains antioxidant properties to repair the nerve damage. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature to soothe the facial skin. So, consume 500mg of guggul twice a day and observe positive results.
6. Mugwort Herb Improves Trigeminal Nerve Functioning.
Mugwort plant is an antidepressant which rids the person of trigeminal nerve stress. Therefore, take 500mg of mugwort leaves powder twice daily for quick relief.
7. Relax Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain With Valerian Root.
Since valerian roots exhibit sedative as well as anticonvulsant properties, it can help relieve the trigeminal pain. So, boil one teaspoon of dried valerian root powder in a cup of water. Steep for about 5 minutes and strain. Drink this twice every day for better results.
Note: Articles on Ayurvedum are solely for the purpose of sharing the goodness of Ayurveda and bringing awareness on natural and healthy living. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So, before using anything to treat yourself, always consult an Ayurveda doctor or practitioner.
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